Thursday, September 20, 2007

Propolis: a miraculous nutritional supplement and health food from mother-nature (for treatment of cancer, anti-aging, acne and dental)

Propolis is one of nature’s most potent antibiotic containing anti-microbic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-oxidant, and anti-tumour properties. Propolis has the ability to activate & strengthen immune system. The bees use propolis (a mixture of tree resins, bee wax & saliva) to clean, repair & fill any cracks in the hives.

Here are some scientific research about propolis:
1968 - No bacteria could cultured in bee hives (Prof. Remy Chavin, a French scientist).
1987 - Propolis contains 149 active bio components (Oxford University).
1991 - Propolis contains more than 100 natural bio ingredients; the richest & the most important is flavonoids (The World Bee Conference).
1991 - Propolis contains 3 anti-cancer agents to suppress the growth of, and destroy cancerous cells without any side effects (Prof. Tetsuya Matsuno, National Institute of Infectious Diseases).
1998 - Propolis has the most effective cavity-fighting substances to be used in dental health (Dr. Michel Hyun Koo, PhD, Research in Prevention Award, International Association for Dental Research).

And we have launched our latest product, ‘ProPolis’, made from Brazilian green propolis, contains no alcohol, no wax, no resin residue, and it is yellowish-green in colour. On personal front, Nazlan is using it for cancer treatment, me for skincare and anti-aging, and our daughters are using it to treat acne. We are taking it orally, either by itself (5 drops directly into our mouth), or mix it in our favourite health food ‘iFood’ (mix 5 drops of the Propolis in a mug of iFood beverage). I’m also using it on my face as well (applied in the morning and before going to bed), as moisturizer, as well as to treat blemishes.

Below are the ingredients in our ProPolis. When you read the function of each ingredients, I’m very sure you will agree with me how miraculous this mother-nature product can be.

Flavonoids - Anti-oxidant to fight free radicals; promote cell generation; strengthen cell membrane & activate cell functions; purify blood; anti-stress; boost immune system; prevent cardiovascular diseases; prevent formation of cancerous materials.
Vitamin P (Rutin) - Strengthens blood vessel wall & enhance its elasticity to prevent cardiovascular related problems.
Enzyme - Amylase, cathepsin, adipose & trypsinogen for preventive healing.
Phytoncide - help curb mood swing, relieve stress & purify internal system.
Phenolic Acid - Organic acid, caffeine acid & cinnamic asid; strong anti-viral, antibacterial & anti-fungal properties.

Certified safe by Ministry Of Health Malaysia (MAL06011766T). Certified HALAL by HFC-SEA International. Certified Vegetarian.

Pre-packed: 1 bottle of 10ml. On sale now at our NN Healthway `clinic’ through our website,, and, the B2B portal we are linked with.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Alternative Sanitary Napkins: Totally Chlorine Free! And multipurpose too!

Women all around the world spend countless dollars on menstrual products every month, create tons of landfill waste when they dispose of them, and are bombarded with warnings about toxic shock syndrome, and yet two or three brands of disposable bleached cotton pads and tampons are the only choices presented to us in school and in mainstream media.

The Tampon Safety and Research Act of 1999 disclosed it.

Women who do not stumble upon the information through an Internet search or immerse themselves in feminist discourse are unlikely to ever learn that there are alternatives.

After I found out that the chemicals found in mainstream commercial disposable pads and tampons are known to aggravate and worsen my reproductive system, something inside of me snapped. 20 years of pent up rage toward the feminine menstrual hygiene industry burst forth in a roaring torrent. I was furious!

Psychologically, I loathed the tampon and pad companies, but I needed them.

Financially, I was spending a fortune (for my small budget) every month, approximately $16.00 a month. At 12 months a year that's $192 a year. This means that, over the last twenty years, I have spent about $3,840 on feminine hygiene products.

All of that, and now I learn that they had been poisoning me and making my cramps, my heavy bleeding, my yeast infections, everything, so much worse. Oh, I think that I had every reason to be livid.

I have to find the alternatives….fast! So after searching and researching the Malaysian market, I found a Totally-Free-Chlorine bleaching sanitary napkins. Amen!

I collected the testimonies. I obtained the lab report. Satisfied with our findings, Nazlan and I are now distributing this product to the general public at our so call ‘clinic’, NN Healthway, through our website, Perhaps the most amazing quality of this sanitary pad is how multipurpose it can be because of the herbal ingredients embedded in it!

The Pantiliner Pad (green pack)

- For backache: sprinkle a bit of water (non-chlorine/mineral water is the best) on the surface of the pad, use bandage plaster and fix it on the spot where it aches.
- For open wound: cut the pad to fit the size of the wound, use bandage plaster and fix it on the wound.
- For tired feet: fix the pad in the socks (sort of like socks-pad), sprinkle a bit of water (non-chlorine/mineral water is the best) on the surface of the pad, and wear the socks during sleep.
- For tired feet on the move: fix it in the shoe/socks, sprinkle a bit of water (non-chlorine/mineral water is the best) on the surface of the pad, and continue your journey.
- To reduce odor in hat/cap/helmet: fix it underneath the hat/cap/helmet.

The Night Pad (pink pack)

- As maternity pad.
- As pain relief for treatment of hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer.

For best result, do not use the pad more than once, and not more than 8 hours.

Nazlan and I think that this product is one of the alternatives for that particular basic necessity for a woman. If you are interested to use this product, you can purchase it from our website,, or from, a B2B portal we are linked with.

All-in-one functional sanitary pads!

Must-read: "Are you ready to fight the toxic industry?"

Liar liar! Capitalizing on the Curse: The Business of Menstruation

Menstrual products are enormous women's health care market. Worldwide, it is a $9-billion-a-year business. The commercialization of menstruation has in many ways been positive: women embrace readily available, reasonably priced, and easy- to-use products with good reason. But it has also been among the worst things to happen to women.

This is the normal answers I received from the doctors every time I see them after an unbearable period pain, "Well, yes, some women get bad cramps. Just take two aspirin and that should make them go away." When I told them that aspirin didn't work, they just said things like, "Well, then, try a heating pad and a different type of pain reliever." They didn't really listen to me. All of their answers boiled down to, "Oh, most women get some little cramps, but they aren't anything to fuss about. Quit your whining and deal with it." But I knew that something that was making me black out weren't just some "little cramps." What happened to me every month for two weeks straight couldn't be normal. I’m sure many women out there have a similar experience.

Then I stumbled on an article while researching information about my husband’s condition on cancer in the internet. Something that has completely changed my life!

"My bill would direct the National Institutes of Health to conduct research to determine the extent to which the presence of dioxin, synthetic fibers, and other additives in tampons and related menstruation products pose any health risks to women. An NIH study would mean that American women could depend on independent research, and not on the word of research funded by tampon manufacturers." - Excerpt from a statement by Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Democratic representative of New York, upon introduction of "The Tampon Safety and Research Act of 1997," (H.R. 2900), November 11, 1997.

I felt used and manipulated!

To those who capitalize on our pain, this is the beginning of awakening for those who deceives. The consequences of destructive behaviors eventually will come back to haunt you. It is then that you both covers lies with more lies and digs a deeper hole in which you live in isolation or you recognizes your pain as being self-inflicted and chooses to change.

Must-read: Chlorine-bleached menstrual products - Risks relating to cervical cancer, endometriosis, infertility, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, immune system deficiencies, pelvic inflammatory disease, and toxic shock syndrome.