1968 - No bacteria could cultured in bee hives (Prof. Remy Chavin, a French scientist).
1987 - Propolis contains 149 active bio components (Oxford University).
1991 - Propolis contains more than 100 natural bio ingredients; the richest & the most important is flavonoids (The World Bee Conference).
1991 - Propolis contains 3 anti-cancer agents to suppress the growth of, and destroy cancerous cells without any side effects (Prof. Tetsuya Matsuno, National Institute of Infectious Diseases).
And we have launched our latest product, ‘ProPolis’, made from Brazilian green propolis, c
Below are the ingredients in our ProPolis. When you read the function of each ingredients, I’m very sure you will agree with me how miraculous this mother-nature product can be.
Flavonoids - Anti-oxidant to fight free radicals; promote cell generation; strengthen cell membrane & activate cell functions; purify blood; anti-stress; boost immune system; prevent cardiovascular diseases; prevent formation of cancerous materials.
Vitamin P (Rutin) - Strengthens blood vessel wall & enhance its elasticity to prevent cardiovascular related problems.
Enzyme - Amylase, cathepsin, adipose & trypsinogen for preventive healing.
Phytoncide - help curb mood swing, relieve stress & purify internal system.
Phenolic Acid - Organic acid, caffeine acid & cinnamic asid; strong anti-viral, antibacterial & anti-fungal properties.
Certified safe by Ministry Of Health Malaysia (MAL06011766T). Certified HALAL by HFC-SEA International. Certified Vegetarian.
Pre-packed: 1 bottle of 10ml. On sale now at our NN Healthway `clinic’ through our website, 1AlternativeMedicineS.com, and Alibaba.com, the B2B portal we are linked with.